Mr. Brokaw, the news media simply cannot be trusted to tell the truth.

Media Malpractice: Tom Brokaw’s World Implodes

Americans have learned the hard way that there was and is a serious effort by some of the most powerful figures in American journalism to quite deliberately keep Americans from making “informed decisions” by denying them accurate information. By ignoring major news stories. By not reporting stories that were or are at variance with liberal politics


. . . across five decades of American journalistic history, the instinct of many Old Media institutions — specifically including NBC and the New York Times — has been to deliberately withhold the truth. To quite deliberately use their journalism skills and tools to misrepresent those whose politics they do not favor.

The money quote:

What once was a considerable reservoir of trust and respect has been drained bone dry.


Filed under Old Media

4 responses to “Mr. Brokaw, the news media simply cannot be trusted to tell the truth.

  1. cmblake6

    We, out here in the ‘sphere, already knew that. That’s why media such as Fox and the blogs are now considered far more trustworthy.

  2. joe shoulders

    oh yea … without a doubt … the worst is FoxNews … they have the nerve to use slogans like “We Report, You Decide” and “Fair and Balanced” while they quite clearly report everything from a far right perspective. Fox simply cannot be trusted

    • Fox appears to have a far right perspective to leftists. Of ABC, NBC, SeeBS, NPR and Fox, your selection of Fox as the worst tells me pretty much all I need to know.

      Which is not to say that Fox is all that great, just that the others are so much worse.